Mary's was having a sale. I really didn't need to buy any yarn as I hardly ever get a chance to knit these days, but who can pass off on a chance to get to my favourite yarn store. And then my Stitch and Bitch decided to make it a field trip, I was totally game.
When Denis and I arrived at the store he went straight for the toys, maybe I've been there too many times in the 6 months since bringing Denis home :-) No, actually it is just that Denis has a superior memory.
I was after some yarn to make some sweaters for Denis. I found in the sale room some gray Falk yarn from Dalegarn. It was on sale earlier this summer, not actually a part of the sale. Ah well, it was just perfect for making Angela Hahn's Sherwood, a beautiful sweater with cables.
And then I'd also seen Baby Norgi by Wendy D Johnson. I really wanted to do a Norwegian style sweater. The pattern was done using Dale Baby Ull, but I purchased Sandnesgarn's Lanett Superwash, not on sale though. The sweater used for the pattern was done in white. No, I won't be using white for Denis, he is a true little boy and gets dirty in the blink of an eye. I purchased a sweet blue/green in dark and light and some white. The dark blue/green will be the main colour.
I did realize as I was adding the projects to my Ravelry page that I hadn't purchase enough of the main colour for the Baby Norgi sweater, so I'll have to call Mary's and request they put aside another 2 balls of wool for me. I'll go and pick them up next month when Denis is in daycare, then I'll have time to really look around the store and enjoy all the new products they were making room for with this past weekend's sale. (Spending more money no less)
Isn't that the way it goes with yarn stores, you go for the sale and end up with beautiful product not on sale. Or is that just me LOL.
There will be pictures of the yarn as soon as I find my camera again. Denis LOVES the camera and is forever taking pictures. Thank goodness for digital, I don't have to worry about him wasting film.